Singing Guide: Christine & The Queens

Singing Guide: Christine & The Queens

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Music lovers everywhere have been captivated by the unique vocal styling of Christine & The Queens. With her genre-non-conforming approach and singular vocal techniques, Christine has become an icon in contemporary music. If you're aspiring to sing like her, there are a few things you can do to begin capturing some of her signature sounds.

  • First, you'll want to focus on Christine's control of her chest voice. Christine is a master at using her chest voice to create a rich, full sound that fills the room. To achieve this, it's important to practice chest voice exercises and avoid straining your voice to hit high notes. You can find a great selection of vocal exercises in the Singing Carrots course, including advice on chest voice.
  • Christine has also cultivated a distinctive vibrato style that is a fundamental aspect of her sound. A quick search on the Singing Carrots site will yield some top-notch exercises to get you started with vibrato training, including exercises for proper diaphragm control and breath. Check out the vibrato exercises.
  • Another essential part of Christine's vocal style is her unique phrasing and enunciation. To convey a sense of emotional depth and to bring each song to life, she uses a range of techniques that cover the spectrum of vocals. To explore these techniques, take some time to explore Singing Carrots' resources on articulation and resonant breathing.

For inspiration on specific Christine & The Queens tracks to practice, try listening to songs such as "Tilted" and "Saint Claude," which showcase her unique vocal styling. Singing Carrots' interactive range or pitch tests allow you to practice these songs while also getting feedback on your own voice.

In conclusion, capturing the essence of Christine & The Queens' unique voice requires a combination of techniques and practices that focus on chest voice, vibrato, and phrasing. By putting in the necessary effort and taking advantage of the Singing Carrots courses and resources, you too can begin to master her signature sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.